PowerShell Script to Forward Email for a Bulk Set of Users

I wrote a PowerShell script for an Exchange 2007/2010 migration that will forward email for a group of users to an external SMTP recipient, while also delivering mail to the user’s inbox.  The script uses an input csv file which specifies the following: the users that need their email forwarded, the address to forward the mail to, and the name of the contact that will be created in the source domain.

The script creates the contacts, forwards the email to the contacts, enables delivery to both the source user and the target contact, and hides the contact from the GAL.
# Bulk Contact Creation and Mail Forward Script #
# for Exchange 2007/2010 #
# Ron Williams #
# ron dot williams at mail dot com #
# 3/20/13 #

# 1. Update csv file with appropriate values, make sure to the keep header row. 
# SamAccountName is the SAMaccountName from the source domain of the user 
# whose mail should forward to ext recipient.
# ForwardingAddress is the SMTP address to forward the mail to. 
# Will existing mailbox with this value as -ForwardingAddress
# FirstName is the First Name value that will be created on the contact
# LastName is the Last Name value that will be created on the contact
# 2. Run from EMS in format "C:\pathname\BulkContactForward.ps1 C:\pathname\input.csv"
# 3. Update $OU in variables section below to the OU where you want to creat the contacts.

# SamAccountName,ForwardingAddress,FirstName,Lastname
# joeb,joe.blow@contoso.com,Joe,Blow
# mikes,michael.smith@contoso.com,Mike,Smith


# Loop through the object returned by Import-Csv with each element represented by $person
foreach ($person in (Import-Csv .\input.csv))
 # Check the Mailbox for the person exists
 If ((Get-Mailbox $person.SamAccountName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) 
 # Check the mail contact doesn't exist and if not add it, hide it from GAL
 If (!(Get-MailContact $person.SamAccountName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) 
 New-MailContact -name $person.SamAccountName -Firstname `
 $person.FirstName -Lastname $person.lastname `
 -ExternalEmailAddress $person.ForwardingAddress -OrganizationalUnit $OU;
 Set-MailContact -identity $person.SamAccountName `
 -HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled $true
 Set-Contact $person.SamAccountName -Notes `
 "Created for Email Migration Coexistence"
 # Set the Forwarding Address on the Mailbox 
 Set-Mailbox $person.SamAccountName -ForwardingAddress `
 $person.ForwardingAddress -DeliverToMailboxAndForward $true 
 else {write-host "The contact for", $person.SamAccountName, "already `
 exists. No furthur action on this contact will be performed."}
 else {write-host "The mailbox for", $person.SamAccountName, "did not exist. `
 No furthur action on this mailbox will be performed."}